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Audio Books 2006 02 Telltale Heart 24 Hours

  Wedding music helps us remind our big day the day we knot the tie to the person we love, it’s essential to consider these guide to help alleviate the headaches.

It’s important to have discussions with your spouse to decide that you LOVE to follow. Pick if you’re into jazz, if you’re into metal, or if you’re into the country if you’re into melodies. Needless to say, for a wedding ceremony, consider choosing pieces of music that fit the setting (church vs Hall). At the day’s end, go with your gut instinct. Ask others for ideas if you’re having trouble picking bits.

Worry less about “being the cliche” As a professional musician, I cannot tell you how many occasions I have been asked to carry out these common and famous wedding songs. I am not complaining at least, believe me! In several cases, the classics are set-in-stone for a reason! If you love the sounds of the scale rhythms love the familiarity of The Wedding March, don’t let this natural attraction in those musical selections: at the end of the day, the musical selections that provide you the most significance and enjoyment are the bits of music you will remember for the rest of your life! 

Let’s face it, there are decisions! – If it’s a wedding reception, wedding ceremony, wedding favors, or champagne reception, Ian has the ability and flexibility to provide an enjoyable atmosphere to satisfy all musical tastes. In each case, I offer a great “go-to” listing with a number of the most popular bits and YouTube clips. This helps to narrow down the hunt for the piece that is perfect. For those who have a piece of mind for your wedding ceremony or reception, but you’re not certain if the item will work for a specific musical instrument combination, do not be afraid to ask. Wedding musicians that are very good will reply with their opinion; in some cases, a compromise can be met to help create the ambiance for the day!
