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Practice Your Songwriting Skills At Home By Joining Online Contests!

Some musicians enjoy their music with their family and friends at home. Playing music for their special loved ones brings out the best feeling they could ever get from their God-given talent. However, limiting those who can hear their music is something they should work on, as their skill needs to be developed further by sharing them to a wider audience. For one, songwriting is a challenging skill to hone, especially if you have limited source of inspiration for your songs.

It is challenging to draw inpiration nowadays, considering the many horrible things that had happened this year, starting with the COVID-19 pandemic. We have also experienced the longest lockdowns and quarantine periods, forcing us to stay at home and be isolated from the rest of the world for so long. However, there is no reason for you to stop working with your songwriting skills. Perhaps you can take this opportunity of being at home all the time by writing a few songs that you can use to join an online songwriting contest.

Why Joining A Competition Is A Good Way To Develop Your Skill

They say that in joining a contest, there will only be one winner. There is greater chance for you to lose as there will be a bunch of other talented folks with promising skills. We can’t say for sure that they are more talented than you, but the thing is that you will tend to think about your odds of losing. This is the reason why many songwriters opt to skip joining these contests and keep their songs for themselves. It does save you from the heartbreak of losing, but you also need to remember why you are writing songs in the first place. It is for your listeners, and your goal must be to let more people hear your songs. Shying away from competitions will not help you in any way.

If you let the spirit of competition get into you, you will be pushed beyond your limits to create something that you haven’t created before. By doing so, you will be able to outdo yourself, and that is where you get your first win in this experience. You will finally give your 333 meaning. It does not matter if only a few people will appreciate your newly-made songs. The most important thing is that you are starting to get out of your comfort zone.

Once you have finally gained enough experience from joining online songwriting contests, the next step for you is performing in front of the audience. For now, as the pandemic is still raging on, what you can do is to perform an online virtual concert. Little by little, you will be able to create a name for yourself, and more people will hear about you and your tremendous talent in music.
